Dec 8, 2016 | Announcements, Uncategorized
Another Weekend Warriors free photo scavenger hunt has started! 15 clues will be live until the hunt ends on Sunday at 3 PM CST. Your photo will be either approved or rejected by our admin staff. Be sure to check the cumulative leaderboard so you can see how well you’re doing and remember that tiebreakers are based on the amount of time it takes your to finish all the clues!
We have released a new update which changes the ways you can join hunts, so just use the code “WW89” after you login.

The more photos you submit, the more badges you’ll earn for a variety of achievements. To see the Eventzee Badge List CLICK HERE. To see if your photos have been added to the gallery visit Let the hunt begin!
- #ThrowbackThursday – Share a picture of your favorite holiday TV or movie special.
- At The Moment – Take a picture of an ATM.
- Candy Cane Blues – Take a picture of a candy cane that isn’t colored the traditional red and white. Hand drawn or computer printed images won’t be accepted.
- Extinction Area – Creatively represent an extinct animal you would bring back to life if you could. Dinosaurs definitely count.
- Flavorful Flakiness – Take a picture of your favorite kind of pastry.
- Kid At Heart – Creatively represent what makes you a kid at heart. Be sure to write down what that is somewhere in the photo.
- Knit Whit – Take a photo of something that has been knitted or crocheted.
- License to Kill – Take a photo of a unique license plate.
- Ornamental – Design a Munzee, Eventzee or Wallabee themed Christmas Tree ornament and take a photo of it!
- Secondhand Success – Take a picture at your local thrift shop or secondhand store.
- Shed Your Shell – Creatively represent coming out of your “shell”.
- Spelling Sculpture – W – Create the letter “W” using items that begin with the letter “W”. Must be legible.
- Stamp of Approval – Take a picture of a book of stamps.
- Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff – Creatively represent being a time traveler.
- Yule Love It – Take a photo of a log in a fire pit or chimney.
Nov 3, 2016 | Uncategorized
Another Weekend Warriors free photo scavenger hunt has started! 15 clues will be live until the hunt ends on Sunday at 3 PM CST. Your photo will be either approved or rejected by our admin staff. Be sure to check the cumulative leaderboard so you can see how well you’re doing and remember that tiebreakers are based on the amount of time it takes your to finish all the clues!
We have released a new update which changes the ways you can join hunts, so just use the code “WW84” after you login.

The more photos you submit, the more badges you’ll earn for a variety of achievements. To see the Eventzee Badge List CLICK HERE. To see if your photos have been added to the gallery visit Let the hunt begin!
- #ThrowbackThursday – Upload a past picture of you at a sporting event.
- Dia De Los Muertos – Creatively decorate your own sugar skull to celebrate the Day Of The Dead (Nov 1).
- Eyes for Fries – Take a photo of your favorite fried food.
- False Flavor – Take a photo of something shaped like food that you can’t eat. For example: – soap shaped like a fruit.
- Figure of Speech – Creatively represent the saying “weight of the world on my shoulders”.
- Give Thanks – Creatively represent something you’re thankful for. Handwritten messages alone won’t be accepted, show your work!
- Premature Decorator – Take a picture of a home or business that already has Christmas decorations up.
- Presidential Poster – Hit the campaign trail and make a unique sign promoting you or a family/friend’s presidential candidacy. NOTE: Although America is currently in a heated election cycle, we request that you do not promote any actual politicians, and keep this fun.
- Professional Production – Take a picture of a business that promotes “Professional” work.
- Spelling Sculpture – R – Create the letter “R” using items that begin with the letter “R”. Must be legible.
- Steering Stereo – Take a photo of a unique car stereo system.
- Tepid Typist – Take a photo of a vintage typewriter. Can’t find one? Get creative- but don’t include a computer or phone in the photo.
- Time Flies for Home Runs – The Cubs just won the World Series for the first time since 1908, take a picture of something from 1908.
- Trick o’ Treated – Show us what’s left of your Halloween candy haul.
- Would You Rather? – be made of sugar and spice or snakes and tails? Be creative!
Jul 25, 2016 | Uncategorized

Earn the “Skinny Dipping Santa” Badge just for joining!
Eventzee’s “Christmas In July” Premium Photo Scavenger Hunt has begun! The players who have joined will have until 10 AM CST on UPDATE: Thursday to submit all 15 clues. Per usual, no screenshots will be accepted and your photo will either be approved or denied by our admins. Thank you to everyone who joined, and good luck!
It’s not too late to sign up though! Just go to the following link to join today!
- Bearded Brethren – Take a photo of someone with a long white beard. Can’t find someone? Get creative!
- Chiseled Chimney – Santa spends all summer slimming down so he can fit down the chimney. Take a photo of a home with a chimney.
- Deck The Halls – Take a photo of a house with christmas lights on still.
- Elfie – Take a selfie in a Christmas sweater and/or hat.
- Frosty the No-Man – Creatively represent a melted snowman.
- Happy Holidays – Not everyone celebrates Christmas, so creatively represent another Winter holiday with a summer twist.
- Mele Kalikimaka – Creatively represent celebrating Christmas on a tropical island.
- Mistletoe Madness – Mistletoe may be hard to find this time of year, so find a different plant/fruit/vegetable and smooch someone underneath it.
- Rock Around The Christmas Tree – Decorate either a palm tree or a cactus with Christmas ornaments. Don’t forget the star!
- Santa Claws – Take a photo of a crab product with a Santa hat on.
- Santa’s Snack – After chowing down on so many cookies in the winter, Santa has to eat healthier in the summer. Decorate some Christmas veggies and fruit for Santa to snack on!
- Sea-Suns Greetings – Reindeer have summers off too, so what type of animals would carry Santa’s sleigh in summer? Creatively represent both the animals and the sleigh.
- Stockings Hung With Care – Hang some Christmas stockings near a campfire or fire pit.
- The Gift of Giving – Wrap a Christmas present and deliver it to someone who’s on the NICE list this year.
- You’ve Got Mail – Upload one of your family’s old Christmas cards. If you don’t have an old card, create a new one.
Apr 22, 2016 | Uncategorized
In “Eventzee Exposure” we look at testimonials from happy clients who have hosted their own Scavenger Hunts. Our users’ experience is very important to us, so when things go off without a hitch we want to cheer about it. If you’d be interested in sharing your Eventzee experience please reach out to
Host: Yang Ming America Corp
Event: Staff Development Event
We used Eventzee to do our Staff Development Scavenger Hunt. It was a pretty simple process. I provided our list of clues and corresponding points. Eventzee loaded the information into the app. All we had to do is sign in to access the scavenger hunt clues. I really like the real-time leaderboard. It definitely motivated the competitive nature of our employees.
Our employees thoroughly enjoyed this event. They like the photo capture feature especially. They would like us to put together another event similar to this. I’m currently thinking of the theme.
Eventzee benefited our event in that the setup was so quick and easy. All I had to do is sign into the website to monitor the photos and approve/deny them.
– Renee Stewart, Regional Human Resources Manager, and Yang Ming America Corp
Clue Examples:
- Morning Routine – Rockin’ Route-Commute
- Cool Coworkers – Strike an Elevator Pose
- Loyal Leadership – Take a selfie w/our Fearless Leader
- Around The Office- First Aid Frenzy
- Hang Out- Take a photo of the best meeting spot in the office
Photo Examples:
Now that you have some ideas about how to start your Eventzee scavenger hunt, go out and make it happen! If you’re interested in hosting an Eventzee event, sponsoring an official Eventzee photo hunt or just curious about what we can do reach out to us at
Mar 14, 2016 | Uncategorized
Eventzee’s first ever Premium Photo Scavenger Hunt has begun! The players who have joined will have until 12 PM CST on Thursday afternoon to submit all 15 clues. Per usual, no screenshots will be accepted and your photo will either be approved or denied by our admins. Thank you to everyone who joined, and good luck!

This exclusive badge has been awarded to those who joined the hunt.
- Bottoms Up! – Take a photo drinking something green.
- Crimson Curls – The Irish are known for the fiery hair so take a photo of someone with red hair.
- End of The Rainbow – Creatively represent what you would like to find at the end of the rainbow. Photo must include a rainbow.
- Flags O’ Yer Fathers – Find three distinct objects that each represent one of the colors of the Irish flag.
- Gilded – Take a photo of a gold coin.
- Green Cuisine – Prepare an Irish dish of corned beef and cabbage.
- Green Eyes of Envy – Take a photo of someone with green eyes.
- Green Getup – Let’s see those St. Patrick’s Day outfits! Take a photo wearing all green.
- Holy Trinity – Take a photo of a three leaf clover.
- Kiss Me, I’m Irish – Take a photo getting a kiss from someone with green lipstick. Be creative!
- Patrick’s Parade – Creatively represent a St. Patrick’s Day parade float.
- Pinching Pals – Take a photo pinching someone who isn’t wearing green.
- Slithering Saint – St. Patrick is said to have driven all the snakes out of Ireland so take a photo of a snake.
- The Wee People – Creatively represent the fleeting Leprechaun.
- Top O’ The Morning – Take a photo of the sunrise in the morning.
Feb 18, 2016 | Uncategorized

Scan this code with the Eventzee app to join!
Another Weekend Warriors free photo scavenger hunt has started! 15 clues will be live until the hunt ends on Sunday at 3 PM CST. Your photo will be either approved or rejected by our admin staff. Be sure to check the cumulative leaderboard so you can see how well you’re doing and remember that tiebreakers are based on the amount of time it takes your to finish all the clues!
We just released the new Clockstoppers line of badges as well as an extension of the Pioneers of Gold line, so be sure you plan out your submissions! The more photos you submit, the more badges you’ll earn for a variety of achievements. To see the Eventzee Badge List CLICK HERE.
To see if your photos have been added to the gallery visit Let the hunt begin!
- #ThrowBackThursday – Share a past pic of yourself as a baby.
- Bold Bandanna – Wax on, wax off. Channel your inner Karate Kid and take a photo in a cool headband.
- Continental Condiments – What’s your favorite unique dressing or condiment specific to where you live in the world?
- Cool Cutlery – Take a photo of a unique spoon or fork.
- Going Up – Take a photo in an elevator.
- High Flying Helium – Take a photo of a floating balloon.
- I Spy- K – Find the letter “K” formed in architecture, nature, etc.
- Imagination Land – If you were an imaginary friend, what would you look like? Get creative!
- Luck Be A Lady – What’s your lucky charm and why?
- On This Day In History… – Creatively represent what happened on a day in history this weekend. Be sure to include what happened written down somewhere.
- Repair Man – Take a photo of a businesses with “Repair” in it’s name. Must include the business’ sign.
- Seasonal Sports – Showcase a sport typically played during the season opposite of your current season. So if it’s winter play Sand Volleyball, if it’s summer go skiing. Get creative!
- Sporty – Take a photo at a sporting goods store.
- Wine Down The Weekend – For those of us over 21 it’s National Drink Wine Day. Take a photo of a bottle of wine- drinking it is not required.
- Creatively represent a well known conspiracy theory. Be sure to include the (brief) theory somewhere in the photo.