Weekend Warriors: Week 2 Public Photo Hunt Clues

Weekend Warriors: Week 2 Public Photo Hunt Clues

We’re continuing our new weekend photo hunts, which run from Thursdays to Sundays. Your photo will be either approved or rejected, and bonus points are no more. We’ve also included a new cumulative leaderboard that you can visit online at www.eventzeeapp.com/leaderboard. Will you become a Weekend Warrior?

  • Adventurer-Take a picture with an actual map.
  • Scalp Tix- Show some concert, sporting event or theatre tickets.
  • Vacation- Show us your ideal vacation in postcard form.
  • Spirit Fingers- We’ve got spirit how about you? Take a pic yelling into a megaphone.
  • Sleuth- Solve the mystery with a magnifying glass.
  • Eventzee Blvd.- Find a street named after someone historically famous.
  • Cinema- What new movie are you most excited for?
  • Flying Saucer- Throw a frisbee with a friend.
  • Lemon.- Take a pic of a Volkswagen Beetle. Bragging rights if it’s yellow.
  • Double Windsor- Hope you know how to tie a tie…
  • Apples or Oranges?- The age old question: Which do you prefer?
  • Coolest- Fill a cooler with your favorite beverage.
  • Corey Hart- Wear your sunglasses at night.
  • March Sadness- Take a pic with a basketball.
  • EXTRA, EXTRA!- Take a pic trying a newspaper crossword puzzle.
Weekend Warriors: Week 2 Public Photo Hunt Clues

Weekend Warriors: Week 1 Public Photo Hunt Clues

We’re kicking off our new weekend photo hunts, which will run from Thursdays to Sundays. Your photo will be either approved or rejected, and bonus points are no more. We’ve also included a new cumulative leaderboard that you can visit online at www.eventzeeapp.com/leaderboard. Will you become a Weekend Warrior?

  • Snail Mail- Send a letter to family or friends. Make sure to include a stamp!
  • Ruff Life: Take a pic with your favorite four-legged friend.
  • Go Green!: Separate your recyclables and garbage.
  • Sight and Sound: Show us your favorite movie and song in the same pic.
  • Early Bird: Grab some coffee and show us the sunrise.
  • Night Owl: Not a morning person? Show us the sunset.
  • Mad Hatter: Sport your favorite hat.
  • Support Local Business: Show a receipt from a non-national shop, restaurant, vendor etc.
  • All Tucked In: Make your bed, don’t forget to fluff your pillows.
  • Bookworm: Take a pic of a public library card.
  • Business Time: Any business card.
  • We Are The Champions: Hoist your trophy, medal or award proudly.
  • Oxymoron: Represent contradicting terms.
  • April Showers, Bring May Flowers: Take a pic watering a plant.
  • Old Time Rock and Roll: Show us either a cassette tape, 8-track or vinyl record.
Weekend Warriors: Week 2 Public Photo Hunt Clues

Eventzee Weekly Hunts UPDATE

After much deliberation we have decided to scale back our free weekly photo hunts. The reactions and commitment we have seen have been absolutely wonderful and we’re very proud of our players’ dedication. Unfortunately these free hunts take an extreme amount of time and effort to run and change is needed so we can make the most of our small staff’s time. This being said we love how much creativity these weekly hunts have created, so we want to continue them in a more simplistic way.

Starting Thursday March 19th we will transition our free weekly photo hunts into weekend hunts. 

These new hunts will run from Thursday at 3 pm (CST) until Sunday at 3 pm (CST). We will go to a much more standard hunt process where clues will be released all at once and will be various, not defined by a theme like we have been doing. We are also removing bonus points so your photo will either be approved or not and you will receive full points for that clue. The benefit here is that we are also releasing a cumulative leaderboard where you’ll be able to see how you rank overall based on every Eventzee hunt you’ve competed in.

This new leaderboard can be seen at https://eventzeeapp.com/leaderboard and will showcase how many Eventzee hunts you’ve participated in, how many overall points you’ve gotten, as well your average points per hunt. This will pull from all Eventzee events too, so it encourages you to go to as many as you can, including Munzee events that include an Eventzee hunt. If you’re interested in hosting an Eventzee hunt, the points you acquire from there would also go toward the leaderboard. This is all with the intent of including new badges for achieving certain milestones- more info on that coming soon.

Although the weekend hunts will be smaller and not contain prizes for weekly winners, we will relay more information on sponsored weekly hunts in the future. These will give businesses an opportunity to market across the world and offer new and intriguing prizes for top competitors. These hunts will most likely be theme-based and encourage players to interact with the company’s product or service.

Thank you to all who have sent in photos each week, we encourage you to still have fun with our weekend hunts. We think the spirit of competition will thrive with the new leaderboard and new achievements will encourage players to join a variety of hunts. Stay tuned for more info about the sponsored hunts and badges.

Weekend Warriors: Week 2 Public Photo Hunt Clues

“Spring Break!” Public Photo Hunt: Clues 22-26

Vacations are nice, aren’t they? You know what’s not nice? Coming back from vacations. There’s always so much to do. Gotta get ready for the upcoming week, though. At least you’ll always have the memories…

Remember, this week, all clues will be worth 20 points. If a photo submission doesn’t match it’s clue, it will be rejected and you will have another chance to submit. Bonus points may be applied at a maximum of 5 (i.e. you have the opportunity to receive 1-5 extra points per submission).

This is the last set of clues for the week. Have fun!

Back from Trip:

  1. Laundry – Mo’ loads, mo’ points. Not really more points.
  2. Full Email Inbox! – No you get to uncheck that “Out of Office” checkbox and read through all those emails about meetings.
  3. Backpack/Briefcase – Have to get ready to go back to school/work.
  4. Grocery Shopping/Empty Fridge – Need food for the week. Make sure you shop with an empty stomach. You’ll buy lots of stuff you don’t really need.
  5. Picture from your Great Vacation – Hope you had a great time and get to annoy all your Facebook friends with your albums that they “MUST” see.
Weekend Warriors: Week 2 Public Photo Hunt Clues

“Spring Break!” Public Photo Hunt: Clues 17-21

Sometimes, vacations aren’t worth all of the hassle. Staycations can be just as much, if not more, fun than a traditional vacation. Being lazy can be the best relaxer there is.

Remember, this week, all clues will be worth 20 points. If a photo submission doesn’t match it’s clue, it will be rejected and you will have another chance to submit. Bonus points may be applied at a maximum of 5 (i.e. you have the opportunity to receive 1-5 extra points per submission).

This event will run 11AM CST Monday through 2PM CST Friday. 5 clues added everyday. Have fun!


  1. Order Pizza – Every pizza is a personal pizza if you try hard enough.
  2. Relaxing in Your Backyard: Keep it G rated. Don’t want the neighbors asking questions.
  3. Watching Netflix/Hulu/Online Streaming – Catch up on some old episodes of Breaking Bad.
  4. Reading – Find that book you have been waiting months to read.
  5. Napping – The best part! ZzzZzZzZZZzzZzz…