Sep 27, 2018 | Weekly Hunt
Another Weekend Warriors free photo scavenger hunt has started! 15 clues will be live until the hunt ends on Sunday at 3 PM CST. Your photo will be either approved or rejected by our admin staff. Be sure to check the cumulative leaderboard so you can see how well you’re doing and remember that tiebreakers are based on the amount of time it takes your to finish all the clues!

The more photos you submit, the more badges you’ll earn for a variety of achievements. To see the Eventzee Badge List CLICK HERE. To see if your photos have been added to the gallery visit Let the hunt begin!
To join the hunt just use the code “WW183” after you login.
- #ThrowbackThursday – Take a picture of a family photo album, scrapbook, or yearbook.
- All the Bells and Whistles – Take a picture of a bell or whistle.
- Captures Challenge – Week 16 – We live in a world of software updates and SMS messages. Take a picture of a piece of technology.
- Colorful Craftsmanship – Take a picture of a stained glass window.
- Eagerly Autumn – We’re ready for all things fall, especially the leaves changing color. Paint a leaf orange to help it feel more like autumn.
- Fountain of Youth – Creatively represent aging backwards.
- It Takes Two – Creatively represent riding on a tandem bicycle.
- Open For Business – Find an “Open” sign. Must be a real sign in a real store.
- Ready for Combat – Take a picture wearing boots.
- Sofa Store – Take a photo at a local furniture store. Try and find a funky piece of furniture!
- Topsy Turvy – Take a picture of something that is unbalanced.
- Wall Crawler – Take a picture of a building covered in vines.
- Who Ya Gonna Call? – Creatively represent hunting a ghost.
- Would You Rather… – Have your own personal island or your own personal jet? Creatively represent your choice!
- Zebra Stripes – Take a photo creatively representing a sporting referee, umpire, etc.
Sep 20, 2018 | Weekly Hunt
Another Weekend Warriors free photo scavenger hunt has started! 15 clues will be live until the hunt ends on Sunday at 3 PM CST. Your photo will be either approved or rejected by our admin staff. Be sure to check the cumulative leaderboard so you can see how well you’re doing and remember that tiebreakers are based on the amount of time it takes your to finish all the clues!

The more photos you submit, the more badges you’ll earn for a variety of achievements. To see the Eventzee Badge List CLICK HERE. To see if your photos have been added to the gallery visit Let the hunt begin!
To join the hunt just use the code “WW182” after you login.
- #ThrowbackThursday – Share a past picture of your first pet.
- Ahoy Matey! – Take a photo of a boat of some sort. No boats near you? Get creative!
- Alley Oop – Take a picture at a basketball court.
- Anger Management – Find a punching bag (or something similar) and creatively show us how you (healthily) unleash your inner aggression.
- Big Apple – Take a picture of something that makes you think of New York City.
- Captures Challenge – Week 15 – Lions, tigers and bears! Oh my! Center your camera focus on an animal.
- Creative Courtship – Creatively represent date night idea.
- Doggie Department Store – Take a picture at a pet supply store.
- Gives You Wings! – Take a picture of an energy drink.
- Guard Ye Booty – Creatively represent discovering a hidden treasure chest.
- It’s A Pirate’s Life For Zee – Creatively represent life as a pirate.
- Prickly Pear – Take a picture of a cactus or succulent.
- There and Back Again – Creatively represent a Hobbit from J.R.R. Tolkien’s famous fantasy novels.
- Tickle The Ivories – Take a picture of a piano.
- Why Can’t Kids Go To Pirate Movies? – Because they’re rated Arrr! Creatively represent a corny joke. Be sure to include the joke in the photo.
Sep 13, 2018 | Weekly Hunt
Another Weekend Warriors free photo scavenger hunt has started! 15 clues will be live until the hunt ends on Sunday at 3 PM CST. Your photo will be either approved or rejected by our admin staff. Be sure to check the cumulative leaderboard so you can see how well you’re doing and remember that tiebreakers are based on the amount of time it takes your to finish all the clues!

The more photos you submit, the more badges you’ll earn for a variety of achievements. To see the Eventzee Badge List CLICK HERE. To see if your photos have been added to the gallery visit Let the hunt begin!
To join the hunt just use the code “WW181” after you login.
- #ThrowbackThursday – We all go through fads and trends. Upload a picture of something that you used to love that might embarrass you now.
- Canned – Take a picture of a canned food.
- Captures Challenge – Week 14 – Hands have their own language, what do yours say? Take a picture of someone’s hands.
- Daily Shuffle – Creatively represent something in your life you’d like to “swap” with someone else.
- Geriatric Game – Take a picture of a gaming console that was made before the year 2000.
- Kid in the Kitchen – Creatively represent a child getting into things in the kitchen.
- Lean Cuisine – Take a photo of a frozen TV dinner.
- Manual Manhandling – Take a photo inside of a car with stick shift.
- Play-Duh – Craft us something out of clay or Play-Doh.
- Pool Shark – Take a photo of a billiards/pool table.
- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – Take a picture of a garbage bin or recycling bin in public.
- Spice World – Take a picture of a unique spice or seasoning.
- Stick That Landing – Creatively represent performing in gymnastics.
- They Lived Happily Ever After – Creatively represent a happy ending to a story.
- Would You Rather… – Create a new holiday or a new language? Creatively represent your choice!
Sep 6, 2018 | Announcements, Weekly Hunt
Another Weekend Warriors free photo scavenger hunt has started! 15 clues will be live until the hunt ends on Sunday at 3 PM CST. Your photo will be either approved or rejected by our admin staff. Be sure to check the cumulative leaderboard so you can see how well you’re doing and remember that tiebreakers are based on the amount of time it takes your to finish all the clues!

The more photos you submit, the more badges you’ll earn for a variety of achievements. To see the Eventzee Badge List CLICK HERE. To see if your photos have been added to the gallery visit Let the hunt begin!
To join the hunt just use the code “WW180” after you login.
- #ThrowBackThursday – Share a past pic of your favorite pro athlete of all time.s
- Bed, Bath & Beyond – Take a photo snoozing in a bed display in a department store.s
- Brick Wall, Waterfall – Take a photo of a rustic brick wall, somewhere in public.s
- Bright Bandage – Take a photo wearing a unique bandaid/bandage.s
- Captures Challenge – Week 13 – Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, these are a few of my favorite things. Take a picture of yourself surrounded by 13 of your favorite things.s
- Creative Constellations – Creatively construct a well known constellation of stars. Be sure to include the name of the constellation somewhere in the photo.s
- DYEagram – Take a photo of a blueprint of some building or structure. s
- Float Like A Butterfly, Sting Like A Bee – Creatively represent a boxing match. How many rounds can you go?s
- Fruity Fizz – Take a photo of a fruit flavored drink that is also carbonated.s
- Going Postal – Take a photo of a unique postal stamp from your country.s
- Metamorphosis – Creatively represent changing from a caterpillar into a butterfly.s
- Pop Quiz – Creatively represent the worries of studying for a test!s
- Red Light, Green Light – Take a photo of a stop light turning yellow.s
- SPF 10,000 – Take a photo of a bottle of sunscreen with the highest protection you can find.
- Tic Tac Toe – Get creative and play an extra large game of Tic Tac Toe with with objects you find around the house.