Oct 27, 2016 | Announcements, Weekly Hunt
Another Weekend Warriors free photo scavenger hunt has started! In celebration of Halloween this hunt has been extended to Monday October 31st at 3 PM CST. 20 clues will be live until the hunt ends. Your photo will be either approved or rejected by our guest admin staff this weekend. Be sure to check the cumulative leaderboard so you can see how well you’re doing and remember that tiebreakers are based on the amount of time it takes your to finish all the clues!
We have released a new update which changes the ways you can join hunts, so just use the code “WW83” after you login.

The more photos you submit, the more badges you’ll earn for a variety of achievements. To see the Eventzee Badge List CLICK HERE. To see if your photos have been added to the gallery visit www.eventzeeapp.com/gallery. Let the hunt begin!
- #ThrowbackThursday – Upload a picture of you in a costume from anytime in the past.
- Aspiring Apparition – Creatively represent what you would see if you saw a ghost.
- Colors Of The Wind – It is spring time in the southern hemisphere and fall in the north. Take a picture of the natural colors nature provides at this time of year in your area. Must be outdoors.
- Cool Outside, Warm Inside – Take a picture of your favorite beverage to warm your insides.
- Distant Discovery – Oct 18, 1492 Christopher Columbus discovered Cuba and claims it for Spain. What would you like to discover? Be creative with your answer.
- Festival Time – Take a picture of the most unique booth or display at a festival of any type. No festival in your area? Get creative! No screen shots or copies of photographs will be accepted.
- Headless Horseman – This is the season where the Legend of Sleepy Hollow gets dusted off and recreated. Take a picture of your favorite carved pumpkin or other prop from that story.
- Hysterical Historical – Plaques and monuments mark all kinds of events. Take a picture of the most unusual ‘historical’ marker you can find.
- I Declare A… – Show us your best “thumb war” competition.
- International Pasta Day – Fusilli, Penne, Rigatoni, or Tortellini… Got a favorite? Prove it!
- Lady Liberty – 130 years ago this weekend, the United States’ Statue of Liberty was dedicated. Creatively depict this famous statue, complete with torch AND book!
- R.I.P. – Go to a cemetery and take a photo of a unique tombstone. Please be respectful of the graves.
- Riddle Me This – The more you take, the more you leave behind. Take a picture of the answer to this riddle.
- Saving or Savings? – Except in the U.S., for most of the world Daylight Saving Time ends this weekend. Find an analog clock that shows the time of 2:00.
- Smithy Sleuthing – Take a picture of a blacksmith, a forge or item made by a blacksmith. No blacksmith items near you? Give your impression of one!
- Sole’d Out – Been doing a lot of walking? Worn out a pair of shoes (or two?). Show us your ‘best loved’ pair of treads. The worse the wear the better!
- Spelling Sculpture – Q – Create the letter “Q” using items that begin with the letter “Q.” Must be legible.
- Stuffed With Love – Got a favorite stuffed animal? Show him/her off for Worldwide Plush Animal Day!
- World Series? – Okay, so it’s not really worldwide, but this week the United State’s baseball championship between the Chicago Cubs and the Cleveland Indians began. Creatively represent America’s favorite pastime.
- Would You Rather? – Creatively represent whether you would rather be a werewolf or a vampire.
Oct 20, 2016 | Announcements, Weekly Hunt
Another Weekend Warriors free photo scavenger hunt has started! 15 clues will be live until the hunt ends on Sunday at 3 PM CST. Your photo will be either approved or rejected by our admin staff. Be sure to check the cumulative leaderboard so you can see how well you’re doing and remember that tiebreakers are based on the amount of time it takes your to finish all the clues!
We have released a new update which changes the ways you can join hunts, so just use the code “WW82” after you login.

The more photos you submit, the more badges you’ll earn for a variety of achievements. To see the Eventzee Badge List CLICK HERE. To see if your photos have been added to the gallery visit www.eventzeeapp.com/gallery. Let the hunt begin!
- #ThrowbackThursday – Recreate a childhood photograph. You must include the original photograph somewhere in the picture. NOTE: uploads and screenshots will not be accepted.
- 9 to 5 – Take a picture of a business that is open later than 10 PM. Must have the stores hours shown somewhere in the picture.
- Balloonatic – Take a photo of a unique balloon.
- Geriatric Gamer – Take a photo of a video game system made before 2011.
- It’s All About Perspective – Creatively take a photo that makes a smaller object appear very big.
- Last Call – There’s a saying ‘Nothing good happens after 2 AM”. Take a picture doing something you might be doing at 2 AM.
- Make Like a Tree and Leaf – Rake up the falling leaves into a pile and jump in! If leaves aren’t falling in your area, get creative!
- Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys – Creatively represent this problem avoiding saying.
- Scarred for Life – Take a picture of a scar.
- Spelling Sculpture – P – Create the letter “P” using items that begin with the letter “P”. Must be legible.
- Sweater Weather – There’s a chill in the autumn air, take a picture in your favorite scarf and sweater.
- Tree Top Tragedy – Take a picture of something trapped in tree. The picture must be taken outside.
- Wacky Sipper – Take a picture of a silly drinking straw.
- Walking in the Spiderwebs – Creatively represent walking in spiderwebs.
- Would You Rather? – Creatively represent whether you would play the hero or the villain in a film.
Oct 13, 2016 | Announcements, Weekly Hunt
Another Weekend Warriors free photo scavenger hunt has started! 15 clues will be live until the hunt ends on Sunday at 3 PM CST. Your photo will be either approved or rejected by our admin staff. Be sure to check the cumulative leaderboard so you can see how well you’re doing and remember that tiebreakers are based on the amount of time it takes your to finish all the clues!
We have released a new update which changes the ways you can join hunts, so just use the code “WW81” after you login.

The more photos you submit, the more badges you’ll earn for a variety of achievements. To see the Eventzee Badge List CLICK HERE. To see if your photos have been added to the gallery visit www.eventzeeapp.com/gallery. Let the hunt begin!
- #ThrowbackThursday – Upload a photo of your favorite scary movie.
- Be Bald and Be Free – Take a picture with someone lacking a little hair on top.
- Bygone Treasures – Take a picture at an antique shop.
- Dual Purpose – Take a photo of something that transforms into something else for multiple uses. For example: A futon.
- Maze Daze – Creatively represent getting lost in a corn maze.
- Pit Stop – Take a photo at a rest stop or scenic area.
- Pumpkin Creator – Instead of carving into a pumpkin, creatively represent a pumpkin. Hand drawn images will not be accepted.
- S’More Please! – Show us your idea of a tasty s’more! Not sure what s’mores are? Look it up!
- Save the Bees! – Bees have officially been put on the endangered animal list, take a photo doing something to help the bees. Example; plant bee-friendly flowers, buy local honey, show us your ideas!
- Spelling Sculpture – O – Create the letter “O” using items that begin with the letter “O”. Must be legible
- Straw for Brains – Creatively represent a Scarecrow in real life.
- Telekinesis – Can you bend a spoon with the power of your mind?!? Take a photo to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.
- The Music (Wo)Man – Creatively represent a well known musical. Be sure to include the name of the play somewhere in the photo.
- Treat Yourself – Take a picture enjoying your favorite dessert.
- Would You Rather? – Have your shirts always be two sizes too big or have them always be one size too small?
Oct 11, 2016 | Announcements, TESTIMONIALS
“Howdy, Y’all!”
The 3rd annual MHQ Bash successfully two-stepped all over the Dallas Metroplex this weekend! We had Munzee and Eventzee players from all over the world join us for a weekend of scavenger hunts and Texas stereotypes. Needless to say it was a blast and we can’t wait to have everyone back again next year!
Here’s a run down of the four Eventzee hunts we ran for the weekend:

TX Weekend Hunt”
View The Weekend Gallery!
This Texas themed Scavenger Hunt was an exclusive event around the Dallas area to encourage Lone Star Bash attendees to check out some truly Texan topics in between all of the events!
Clue Examples:
BBQ – Take a photo of a barbecue restaurant. Hutchin’s in McKinney is pretty good, but certain MHQ staff members might have more divisive suggestions!
Prickly Pear – Take a photo of a cactus or something cactus themed!
Boot Scootin’ Boogie – Creatively represent doing a line dance with friends.
TX State Fair Hunt:
View The State Fair Gallery!
Attendees joined MHQ at the TX State Fair to kick off Lone Star Bash in style! This photo scavenger hunt featured ten clues scattered about the fair grounds. Don’t worry, everybody got their fair share of fried foods and carnival games!
Clue Examples:
Friendly Ferris – Ride to the top of the Ferris Wheel and take a photo.
Tall Texan – Position your camera and take a photo next to the Big tex statue.
Fried Food Frenzy – The TX State Fair is notable for it’s less-than-dietary delicacies. Take a photo of 3 or more Fair fried foods together.
TX Activity Hunt:
View The Activity Gallery!
From Unicorn Racing to two-stepping, this hunt had players completing TX-themed activities with a Munzee twist! There were 10 activity stations where players had to take a photo and complete and activity before they could advance to the next stop.
Clue Examples:
Unicorn Races – Find the activity station on the map. It’s near the parking lot. When you get there saddle up a Unicorn and hit the tracks. This one’s gonna be a photo finish!
Six Flags of Texas – Find the activity station on the map. It’s in the middle of the baseball fields. When you do the activity! 6 countries have had sovereignty over Texas in history. Choose the correct six flags and place them in the wooden Texas shape. Take a photo when you have the correct six!
Kickoff- Photo – ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL?! Find the activity station on the map. It’s next to a light pole. When you get there line up the ball and kick a field goal. Be sure to take a photo!
TX Tupps Brewery Hunt:
View The Tupps Night Gallery!
After a busy couple days everyone took a break Saturday evening at Tupps Brewery in McKinney, TX. There were five clues scattered about the event including posing with MHQ staff members for a couple photos- and maybe a couple drinks as well.
Clue Examples:
Drinking Buddies – Take a photo with a member of MHQ staff.
Logo Logistics – Take a photo next to the Tupps Brewery logo.
Metalworking – Take a photo of a unique piece of metal art at Tupps Brewery.
Now that you have some ideas about how to start your Eventzee scavenger hunt, go out and make it happen! If you’re interested in hosting an Eventzee event, sponsoring an official Eventzee photo hunt or just curious about what we can do reach out to us at eventzee@munzee.com.
Oct 6, 2016 | Announcements, Weekly Hunt
Another Weekend Warriors free photo scavenger hunt has started! 15 clues will be live until the hunt ends on Sunday at 3 PM CST. Your photo will be either approved or rejected by our admin staff. Be sure to check the cumulative leaderboard so you can see how well you’re doing and remember that tiebreakers are based on the amount of time it takes your to finish all the clues!
We have released a new update which changes the ways you can join hunts, so just use the code “WW80” after you login.

The more photos you submit, the more badges you’ll earn for a variety of achievements. To see the Eventzee Badge List CLICK HERE. To see if your photos have been added to the gallery visit www.eventzeeapp.com/gallery. Let the hunt begin!
- Scientific Studies- October 9-15 is International Earth Science Week. Creatively demonstrate or represent your favorite earth science lesson or topic.
- Buzzzzzzzzz!- Our sister App Wallabee just introduced a new card set: BEES! Would you be the queen, drone or a worker bee?
- Mysteries Above or Below?- Would you rather be an astronaut or a aquanaut? Creatively represent your preferred adventuring status.
- Birthstone- Opal or tourmaline is October birthstone. What is yours?
- Patio Picasso- Take a picture of an outdoor piece of art.
- First Find Finale- Find an example of alliteration in public. Must be notably in public.
- Balancing Act- Balance something large on top of something small.
- Memorable Memorabilia- Find 3 postcards, magnets, etc. from 3 different places
- If I Had A Million Dollars….- Show us the first thing you would do with $1,000,000.
- Cryptozoology- Creatively represent your favorite mythological creature (does not have to be Munzee related)
- #ThrowbackThursday: Tuesday was World Animal Day. Post a past or current picture of an animal (real or stuffed) outside in the real world. Picture must be taken outdoors!
- Open For Business: Find an “Open” sign. Must be a real sign in a real store.
- Riddle Me This: There is a house. One enters it blind and comes out seeing. Discover the answer to this ancient Sumerian riddle and then take a picture of yourself outside of one of thousands of these across the world.
- Spelling Sculpture – N: Create the letter “N” using items that begin with the letter “N”. Must be legible.
- Vegetable Medley: To celebrate the release of the new “Farm Munzees,” combine at least two of the vegetables (carrots, corn, peas, tomatoes) in any form (frozen, raw, or cooked)