Eventzee Exposure: The Greene’s 45th Wedding Anniversary

Eventzee Exposure: The Greene’s 45th Wedding Anniversary

In “Eventzee Exposure” we look at testimonials from happy clients who have hosted their own Scavenger Hunts. Our users’ experience is very important to us, so when things go off without a hitch we want to cheer about it. If you’d be interested in sharing your Eventzee experience please reach out to iloveyou@munzee.com!!

Host: Rance Greene created a scavenger hunt for his parents’ 45th wedding anniversary.

Event Breakdown:
As Rance’s parents approached their 45th Anniversary, he wanted to do something special for them: a scavenger hunt. Since they live on the East Coast and he lives in Texas, he planned on flying there incognito and planting physical clues. But then he attended a conference where Eventzee was hosting a scavenger hunt for all participants. “This,” he thought, “is the perfect solution!”

This is what he did to make the experience a smashing success.

From Rance:

Map out the route: In their early married years, my parents moved around quite a bit, so I mapped a route between these towns and collected information about each place, including memorable milestones in their lives (like their first home, the college where they met, the church where they were married, the hospital where my brother and I were born and many many more) and trivia specific to those locales and that time period (early 70’s). I titled the scavenger hunt, “The Early Years”.

Create the clues: I set up a combination of photo clues and QR Code clues that opened multiple choice trivia questions. I did this for a Practice Round (local photo clues and trivia questions about events in the early 70’s) and for the real deal scavenger hunt, in which they visited 3 towns to capture photo clues and answer trivia questions specific to each of those towns.

Put together a gift box: This was the tricky part. The gift box contained all of the instructions, the QR Code to join the Scavenger Hunt and lots of incentive prizes. As they accumulated points throughout the hunt, they were allowed to open gifts with their corresponding point value indicated on the outside of the gift or envelope.

The gifts or envelopes contained additional QR codes, Texas toffee, a homemade “hang-from-your-car-mirror” thing from the kids, a gift card to Arby’s for their favorite shake–jamocha!–and a host of other gifts. Most importantly, charms. At the very beginning of the scavenger hunt, they each opened a gift from me: a T-shirt for my Dad that read: “I love my awesome wife” and a charm bracelet for my mom (my wife’s idea). At each town they visited, another charm was given to my mom as a remembrance of the past and the current memories being made during the scavenger hunt. In every photo clue where my Dad was wearing the T-shirt, they earned extra points.

The gift box was tricky only because it took meticulous planning in ordering everything so that they received the next set of instructions at the appropriate time during the hunt. And to make the point value of the gifts attainable, but not too easy. I mailed the package off and hoped for the best!

What did they think of all of this? They loved it! And, being social creatures, made the hunt even more meaningful by going out of their way to connect with former acquaintances. They even met old classmates at the college basketball game they attended during the hunt. I took all of their photos from the hunt (and others they sent to me via text) and compiled them in a photo book, which I sent to my Mom for her January birthday. Now she has a charm bracelet and the photo album to remember this adventure by.

Recommendations if you decide to do this: Don’t do it completely alone. My Dad was in on the planning somewhat, in that he knew to be prepared for a road trip and, in general, where they would be on which day. Be ready to put some time into an endeavor like this. It takes lots of thought, but the outcome is terrific!

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Now that you have some ideas about how to start your Eventzee scavenger hunt, go out and make it happen! If you’re interested in hosting an Eventzee event, sponsoring an official Eventzee photo hunt or just curious about what we can do reach out to us at eventzee@munzee.com.

Announcing the Pioneers of Gold badge line part 2!

Announcing the Pioneers of Gold badge line part 2!

We may be busy showing off Eventzee EDU at #TCEA16, but that doesn’t mean we can’t show some love to our Weekend Warriors! We’re proud to announce that we have extended our Pioneers of Gold line for earning overall Eventzee points.

The best way to achieve these badges is to join the free Weekend Photo Scavenger Hunts hosted by Eventzee each weekend. These worldwide hunts run from Thursdays to Sundays with clues going live at 3 PM MHQ time. Your photo will be either approved or rejected and you will earn points based on your submissions.

To join these hunts just find the Weekend Warriors event on the Eventzee in-app calendar and RSVP. If you’re interested in hosting your own Eventzee hunt please contacteventzee@munzee.com and we’ll get you set up with the right package!

Eventzee in the Classroom

Eventzee in the Classroom

Scavenger hunts have always been a fun way to interact with others and support camaraderie, but we’ve moved past the limitations of pen and paper. Eventzee takes scavenger hunts to a whole new level by supporting worldwide events and new ways to interact with players. While Eventzee makes it easy to host your own scavenger hunt, it’s up to YOU to make it memorable. So if you’re considering putting on your own, here’s a few tips to get you started.

Every student learns differently, but all can make use of the fun and unique learning experience of our Eventzee education program. Digital Scavenger Hunts combine effective use of technology with higher level questioning while engaging students in fun, creative ways.

Bring the classroom into the real world with Eventzee!

  • Formative Assessment with instant feedback for teachers.
  • Engages students in making real world connections to curriculum.
  • Creates active learners.

Totally customizable, Eventzee combines creativity with active learning through scavenger hunts. Check out what people are saying about Eventzee!

Denton ISD | Event: Denton TIA “Technology In Action” Conference

Eventzee offered us another dimension of engagement with attendees at our technology conference. We were able to drive traffic to specific areas of focus at our conference, enhancing the experience for everyone involved.

We were also able to, through the use of photo scavenger hunts, gamify self-reflection about new learning by encouraging attendees to share their learning through pictures. That was a huge game-changer for some of our attendees.

– Ross Garison, Coordinator of Instructional Technology @ Denton ISD

Prosper ISD | Event: Multiple Events

Eventzee has been used in our 7th/8th grade ELAR classes as a semester review and to learn about an author’s life.  It has also been used by our middle school Photojournalism classes as they learn about the different photo composition techniques.

Our Fashion Design and Marketing teacher used it on a field trip to North Park Mall to assess student’s learning in a real world environment.  A 4th grade math teacher took his kids on a Division Hunt.  8th grade history used it to assess the understanding of the 7 principles of our Constitution.  7th grade ELAR took her kids on a mythology hunt.

Kids are engaged in higher level thinking skills as they connect their learning to real world examples.  Teachers can provide instant feedback.  It is a great formative assessment tool.  Teachers can differentiate amount student or group submissions based on level of understanding.

 – Michelle Phillips, M. Ed. Instructional Technology Specialist @ Reynolds Middle School, Prosper ISD

Region 10 | Event: 21st Annual Region 10 Technology Conference

The Eventzee Crew helped run the event since we had over 500 participants at the conference. They were an awesome crew with their fun, bright suits and amazing personalities! Our goal for this event was for our participants (Educators in the Region 10 ESC area in Texas) to have some fun mixed in with their full day of learning and for them to see how this type of technology integration could be used in the classroom.

From the feedback we received, many districts determined that Eventzee was something they could take back to their students and use in the classroom. Eventzee is a wonderful tool to use in both the classroom as well as a professional learning environment. Two thumbs up!!

Lori Aden, Ed. D. Region 10 Distance Learning Consultant

Now that you have some ideas about how to start your Eventzee scavenger hunt, go out and make it happen! If you’re interested in hosting an Eventzee event, sponsoring an official Eventzee photo hunt or just curious about what we can do reach out to us at eventzee@munzee.com.

Announcing the Pioneers of Gold badge line part 2!

5 W’s: Ongoing Hunts

Scavenger hunts have always been a fun way to interact with others and support camaraderie, but we’ve moved past the limitations of pen and paper. Eventzee takes scavenger hunts to a whole new level by supporting worldwide events and new ways to interact with players. While Eventzee makes it easy to host your own scavenger hunt, it’s up to YOU to make it memorable. So if you’re considering putting on your own, here’s a few tips to get you started.

Although Eventzee is great for conferences, get-togethers and training sessions, scavenger hunts can also be great for long term marketing, loyalty programs and more. Whether you want to set up a historical tour in your hometown, partner with other businesses for a discount program or simply offer an ongoing activity for customers, we’ve got you covered.

Long term scavenger hunts, often taking place over a month or throughout a season, can require a bit more setup and upkeep. If you choose to use a scavenger hunt for long term use, here are a couple things to consider when setting the hunt up.


Is this an educational hunt for young adults to learn more about their environment? Is it a joint pub crawl between various bars in your area? As with all marketing it’s important to know which demographic you are aiming for and plan accordingly. If your intent is to educate children, then they will need their parents’ devices to play. If this is more of a long running social engagement for young adults, you will need to advertise in the correct places. Knowing your audience will not only help when marketing, but can also be vital to your planning process.



Eventzee has a wide variety of features that can be useful in long term hunts. QR Codes can be tied to quizzes or messages so that upon scanning players can learn about the history of a business, trivia, etc. You can also tag each of your QR clues to a GPS location to view a map of all locations within the hunt. Photo clues are fun, but with long term hunts you might want to make use of Eventzee’s automatic approval feature so you don’t have a monthlong backlog of photos to approve. A long term photo hunt could also make use of gallery slideshows for a fun collection of customer photos to be displayed on a monitor.


The length of your scavenger hunt depends on what you hope to accomplish. If you want to encourage customers to come back weekly or daily to take part in new clues, then you will need to keep the hunt accessible during store hours only. If you want to host a historical tour of buildings, you will need to have the QR codes displayed in a easy to find public area so people can play at anytime of day. You also don’t want a hunt to last too long and risk losing interest of players so remember to keep things fresh.

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Long term hunts can be used in a variety of ways, most commonly these types of hunts use multiple locations around your town or city. This is beneficial especially for tourism groups or community outreach organizations to drive traffic to significant areas. Groups of small businesses looking to support one another can also make great use of Eventzee to drive customers to shopping areas by offering discounts to people playing the scavenger hunt. A single business could also find benefit from a long term hunt by releasing new clues at different days to encourage repeat business.


Sure, it seems like a simple enough question, but why exactly do you want to host a long term event over a quick one or two day event? What are you hoping to accomplish? It’s important to figure out why a long term hunt would be ideal so you know what your end goal is. If you want to build business loyalty then your clues need to reflect that. If you want to use Eventzee as a tool for gathering marketing and social media materials like photos, then plan out the photos you ideally want and implement them in your clue descriptions. We want you to make the most of our product, so it’s important that we help you achieve your goals in the most successful way possible.



How can you go about setting up your own longterm scavenger hunt? That’s the easy part. Contact us today! We can answer more of your questions, set you up with a demo and more. Email us at eventzee@munzee.com to find out more.

Now that you have some ideas about how to start your Eventzee scavenger hunt, go out and make it happen! If you’re interested in hosting an Eventzee event, sponsoring an official Eventzee photo hunt or just curious about what we can do, check out www.eventzeeapp.com.

Announcing the Pioneers of Gold badge line part 2!

Introducing the Clockstoppers Badge Line!

We are proud to announce that a new line of badges have been released based on your completion time of Eventzee scavenger hunts. The Clockstoppers line has been created with the intent of awarding how quickly (or sometimes slowly) it takes you to complete a hunt. While we always encourage creativity, there are many ways to play Eventzee and one of those is fast.



The trick with these badges though is that simply finishing the hunt in one hour will not earn you all three badges. Your submission time for all clues has to be within the correct timeframe for each specific badge. So if you finish a hunt in 2 hour and 30 minutes, you will earn the Alarm Clock, but not the others.

It will take careful planning for these badges, because if even one of your submissions is declined by an approver it could inflate your submission time by the time you resubmit. You can see your current submission time on the event leaderboard. This can be found by going to the specific event’s gallery and clicking the leaderboard link. Remember that your submission time is the amount of time between your first and last submission. In order to earn these badges you will have to COMPLETE ALL CLUES for the hunt in the specified time frame.

These badges can be earned in any Eventzee event including our free weekend photo scavenger hunts, Munzee events, and both photo and QR code hunts. Badges will be awarded 24 hours after the hunt has ended. These badges are also retroactive, so if you have completed a hunt in one of these time frames before you will be credited the badge.

Remember the best way to get all the badges is to play in multiple hunts, so join our free photo hunts each week. Our Weekend Warriors photo hunts are every weekend and completely free for anyone to play. 15 clues go live every Thursday at 3 PM CST and you have until Sunday at 3 PM CST to complete the clues.

Time is ticking…



Eventzee Exposure: The Greene’s 45th Wedding Anniversary

Eventzee Exposure: CommSoft

In “Eventzee Exposure” we look at testimonials from happy clients who have hosted their own Scavenger Hunts. Our users’ experience is very important to us, so when things go off without a hitch we want to cheer about it. If you’d be interested in sharing your Eventzee experience please reach out to iloveyou@munzee.com!

Host: CommSoftCommSoft-transparent 150x75

Location: Boulder, Colorado

Event Breakdown:
CommSoft, a software company in Northeast NY, utilized the Eventzee program for a Scavenger Hunt as part of their yearly Users’ Conference. CommSoft has users from all over the country and once a year they host a 3 day conference filled with classes, networking and extracurricular events. One such evening event was an Eventzee Scavenger Hunt in Boulder, Colorado which included the establishments on and near the Pearl Street Marketplace. They had 14 teams comprised of CommSoft personnel and conference attendees as well as a “command center” back at the conference hotel where they approved photos and had the leaderboard posted.

“Having the Eventzee software for both our participants and for me as the admin back at the command center was essential to the success of this event.  Both the app and admin portal were easy to configure and utilize. I only had limited time to get my CommSoft personnel up to speed on using the app due to our scheduling (approximately an hour…) and they picked it up immediately. The folks who stayed back at the command center loved watching the pictures coming in and tracking the action via the leaderboard.

We ran a scavenger hunt at a previous conference but did it all “by hand”.  We handed out paper lists of the hunt items and had the teams text the photos to one person at the command center as they went along.  The pictures arrived in a crazy frenzy and we had no good way to go through them and segment them by team etc.  In the end we were really unable to track it all..it was a mess.  Using Eventzee was like night and day from our previous experience.  It made it so easy to track that I actually had time to enjoy the photos as they were coming in rather than just trying to track them.  And it made it so much easier to tally the results as it was all within the system itself.  No need to keep track of points manually.  Finally, it gave us more of a “high tech” look than handing out a bunch of papers and pens.  We are a software company too after all. The Eventzee team was so easy to work with from start to finish and even including the evening of our event.  They were there for us if we needed them (though we didn’t) which was a great comfort.”

Laura Knussman, Manager of Marketing and Product Management, CommSoft

Photo Clue Examples:

  • Tunnel Vision- Find another team and form a “high five tunnel” with a passerby (not a conference attendee) running down the middle. 
  • Masonry- Take a photo of a lineup of mason jars filled with elixirs. 
  • Cyclical- Find the sign made from a major bicycle part. 
  • All I Got Was This T-Shirt- Find three people wearing t-shirts with city names on them but they are all different cities 
  • Full House- Take a photo of your entire team playing poker.
  • Ballin’ – Photo of a Ball of Twine bigger than a basketball.

Photo Examples:

About CommSoft:
For 30 years CommSoft has been an industry-leading software development organization. Their end-to-end billing and OSS software suite can cover a myriad of voice, video, data, and wireless services from a common platform. They have served over 50 communication companies by providing integrated and automated telecom software solutions. Among their strengths is an open architecture and expansive library that can integrate seamlessly with other business services and network infrastructures.

To learn more about CommSoft visit: