Dec 20, 2018 | Weekly Hunt
Another Weekend Warriors free photo scavenger hunt has started! 15 clues will be live until the hunt ends on Sunday at 3 PM CST. Your photo will be either approved or rejected by our admin staff. Be sure to check the cumulative leaderboard so you can see how well you’re doing and remember that tiebreakers are based on the amount of time it takes your to finish all the clues!

The more photos you submit, the more badges you’ll earn for a variety of achievements. To see the Eventzee Badge List CLICK HERE. To see if your photos have been added to the gallery visit Let the hunt begin!
To join the hunt just use the code “WW195” after you login.
- #ThrowbackThursday – Upload a picture of what you consider to be traditional Santa Claus.
- Bah Humbug! – Creatively represent acting like Ebenezer Scrooge.
- Captures Challenge – Week 28 – A room without books is like a body without a soul. Take a picture of your personal library.
- Carol of the Bells – Take a photo of some sort of bell.
- Full of Hot Air – Take a picture of something that requires being inflated.
- Grandma Got Ran Over – Santa needs to watch where he’s driving! Creatively represent this comical Christmas tune, Grandma Got Ran Over By A Reindeer. Please make sure no grandmas are harmed in the creation of the picture.
- Ornamental – Create your own Eventzee ornament and show us!
- Reason for the Season – Share a winter holiday that is not Christmas
- Santa’s Little Helper – Creatively represent building toys for all the good little girls and boys.
- Smooching Shrub – Take a picture giving someone a kiss under the mistletoe.
- Snowball Scuffle – Creatively represent taking part in a snowball fight.
- Special Snowflake – They say every snowflake is unique. Show us a snowflake you designed!
- Whopping Wrapper – Take a picture of something large and unusually shaped wrapped like a gift.
- Would You Rather… – Get your tongue stuck to a frozen flag pole like Flick from A Christmas Story or survive all the traps set up by Kevin from Home Alone? Creatively represent your answer!
- Yule Tides – Bust out the holly and feasts and show us how you celebrate the Yule holiday on the winter solstice.
Dec 6, 2018 | Weekly Hunt
Another Weekend Warriors free photo scavenger hunt has started! 15 clues will be live until the hunt ends on Sunday at 3 PM CST. Your photo will be either approved or rejected by our admin staff. Be sure to check the cumulative leaderboard so you can see how well you’re doing and remember that tiebreakers are based on the amount of time it takes your to finish all the clues!

The more photos you submit, the more badges you’ll earn for a variety of achievements. To see the Eventzee Badge List CLICK HERE. To see if your photos have been added to the gallery visit Let the hunt begin!
To join the hunt just use the code “WW193” after you login.
- Babes in Toyland – Take a photo outside of a store that specifically sells toys.
- Captures Challenge – Week 26 – This time of year might make it a little trickier to find this color here in the States, but snap a picture of something green!
- Countdown to Christmas – Take a picture of an advent calendar.
- Deal Spotter – Take a picture holding several shopping bags.
- Ewe’ll Tide – Take a picture of something wool.
- Extinction Area – Creatively represent an extinct animal you would bring back to life if you could. Dinosaurs definitely count.
- Fight the Bug – It’s flu season! Creatively represent “fighting” the flu.
- Heavy Hitters – Creatively represent a heavy weight boxing match.
- Key Master – Take a photo of a business that makes house keys.
- Key of Zee – Take a picture of some sheet music.
- Krampus Nacht – Creatively represent being visited by Krampus.
- Little Drummer Boy – Take a picture pounding on some drums.
- Swiss Army Knife – Take a picture of an object or tool that has multiple purposes and uses.
- Tied Up – Take a picture wearing an ugly necktie.
- Would You Rather… – Slide down a rainbow or jump on a cloud? Creatively represent your answer.
Nov 29, 2018 | Weekly Hunt
Another Weekend Warriors free photo scavenger hunt has started! 15 clues will be live until the hunt ends on Sunday at 3 PM CST. Your photo will be either approved or rejected by our admin staff. Be sure to check the cumulative leaderboard so you can see how well you’re doing and remember that tiebreakers are based on the amount of time it takes your to finish all the clues!

The more photos you submit, the more badges you’ll earn for a variety of achievements. To see the Eventzee Badge List CLICK HERE. To see if your photos have been added to the gallery visit Let the hunt begin!
To join the hunt just use the code “WW192” after you login.
- #ThrowbackThursday – Put your research hats on! Do a little googling and find out what the record breaking snowfall was for your hometown at some point in history. We will accept screenshots for this, we’re curious!
- Apple Appreciation – Are you more a fan of granny smith or red delicious apples? Take a picture of an apple display in a grocery store.
- Art Admirer – Take a picture of an art piece hung in a business or outdoor setting.
- Candy Striped – Take a picture of something striped red and white.
- Canopy Christmas Lights – Take a picture of a home that has outdoor lights hung.
- Captures Challenge – Week 25 – Whether you’re a fan of polkadots, argyle, or even fancy a floral print – patterns influence our lives. Take a picture of a pattern you’re partial to.
- Dirty Laundry – Take a photo of a public laundromat or dry cleaners.
- Doctor, Who? – Creatively represent doctors, nurses, hospitals, or anything in the medical field.
- Hit The Slopes – Creatively represent skiing or snowboarding.
- Marshmallow Mansion – Create a candy house built with cookies.
- Nippy Knees – Take a photo wearing knee high socks.
- Radiant Ribbon – Take a photo of something that has a bow on it.
- Seasons Greetings! – Creatively represent greeting the winter season.
- Shiver Me Timbers – Take a photo of a thermometer (not your phone or computer) that is in a public space.
- Visually Impaired – Creatively represent your interpretation (or what you might think your interpretation) of seeing without your glasses is like.
Nov 23, 2018 | Announcements, Weekly Hunt
Another Weekend Warriors free photo scavenger hunt has started! 15 clues will be live until the hunt ends on Sunday at 3 PM CST. Your photo will be either approved or rejected by our admin staff. Be sure to check the cumulative leaderboard so you can see how well you’re doing and remember that tiebreakers are based on the amount of time it takes your to finish all the clues!

The more photos you submit, the more badges you’ll earn for a variety of achievements. To see the Eventzee Badge List CLICK HERE. To see if your photos have been added to the gallery visit Let the hunt begin!
To join the hunt just use the code “WW191” after you login.
- #ThrowbackThursday – Share a past pic of a family dinner.
- Big Bird – Take a picture of a bird of unusually large size.
- Big Bites – Take a photo biting into the biggest sandwich you can make.
- Black Friday – Creatively represent fighting the crowds to purchase that perfect gift.]
- Buzzer Beater – Take a photo “shooting” a ball of paper into a waste basket like a basketball.
- Captures Challenge – Week 24 – Ebony and ivory – take a picture of something black and white.
- Eeny Meeny Miney Moe – What would you catch by the toe?
- Full of Hot Air – Creatively represent attending the Macy’s Day Parade
- Movember – Show us your stache! Take a photo with a (real or fake) mustache.
- Small Business Saturday – Take a picture shopping at a locally run business.
- Tea Time – Take a photo of your favorite kind of tea. Be sure to write down the flavor name somewhere in the photo.
- The Trifecta – Creatively represent a well known trilogy of books, movies, etc. Include the name of the trilogy somewhere in the photo.
- Three Wise Monkeys – Gather three people and together you can see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
- Tons O’ Trash – Take a photo of a large dumpster or trash can.
- Turkey Trot – Creatively represent running in marathon or 5K.
Nov 15, 2018 | Weekly Hunt
Another Weekend Warriors free photo scavenger hunt has started! 15 clues will be live until the hunt ends on Sunday at 3 PM CST. Your photo will be either approved or rejected by our admin staff. Be sure to check the cumulative leaderboard so you can see how well you’re doing and remember that tiebreakers are based on the amount of time it takes your to finish all the clues!

The more photos you submit, the more badges you’ll earn for a variety of achievements. To see the Eventzee Badge List CLICK HERE. To see if your photos have been added to the gallery visit Let the hunt begin!
To join the hunt just use the code “WW190” after you login.
- Captures Challenge – Week 23 – People used to trace silhouette’s for portraits. Take a picture of the silhouette of something.
- Chutes and Ladders – Take a photo on either a slide or a ladder.
- Claustrophobic – Take a picture of a crowded space.
- Damsel in Distress – Creatively represent your favorite well known princess. Be sure to include the name of the princess in the photo.
- Expecto Patrom – Creatively represent how you would use your wizarding powers to make your every day life easier.
- Go Go Juice – Take a picture of a caffeinated beverage. Be sure to include what the beverage is in the photo.
- Like A Glove – Take a photo wearing a unique pair of gloves. Get creative!
- Mouseketeer – Take a picture of something that resembles Mickey Mouse’s iconic ears
- Opposites Attract – Take a picture of something smooth next to something with a rough texture.
- Pick a Peck of Pickles – Take a picture of a food that is pickled.
- Picturesque Portrait – Recreate a famous work of art. Be sure to include the name of the art in the photo.
- Recognizable Retro – Take a photo of an old school logo.
- Time Running Out – Find something (food, credit card, license, etc.) that has an expired expiration date.
- Trophy Hunter – Creatively represent hunting some sort of mythical creature.
- Would You Rather… – Get shot out of a cannon or jump out of a plane? Creatively represent your answer.