Apr 1, 2016 | Announcements, TESTIMONIALS
In “Eventzee Exposure” we look at testimonials from happy clients who have hosted their own Scavenger Hunts. Our users’ experience is very important to us, so when things go off without a hitch we want to cheer about it. If you’d be interested in sharing your Eventzee experience please reach out to eventzee@munzee.com.

Host: Reidsville Christian Church
Event: Summer Quest
Event Breakdown and Testimonial:
Our original plan was to enhance a 2015 summer teaching series about discovering the different attributes of God with another GPS game for our families. However, two days into the first Eventzee hunt in January, 2015, it was evident that Eventzee would have a greater impact on our church’s families for creating both excitement and participation. We held four week-long events centered around the past week’s teaching topic, with different game variations each week. Week 1 was a standard hunt based on God’s creative power. In Week 2 (God’s love) we added bonus points for creativity as well as the first photos submitted for each clue. Week 3 (God’s holiness) was a church competition depending on which side of the auditorium you usually sat – left or right. With Week 4 (God’s All-Knowing nature), we played with the standard Eventzee format based on time.
“Having played Eventzee myself, I knew how much fun the scavenger hunts could be, but I was completely blown away by quickly many of our church family got excited. During the four weeks there were over a hundred individuals and families who signed up to play. On the weeks when bonus points were awarded for the first photos on each clue, there was a mad rush at 6 AM by many to be the first! On one particular Sunday afternoon, I approved over 250 photos within the first thirty minutes of their release. During this time, someone called me the Puppet Master saying that I all I had to do was send out a short text message, and people started running!
For us as staff, however, the best parts of the hunts were watching our church family interact with other members who they might not have previously known, seeing fringe people get involved, and witnessing individual families spending memorable time with each other. As one individual said, “I have photos that I will cherish for the rest of my life that I never would have had without these hunts.”
The software was easy to use and the Eventzee Team was even better! Each week they answered my questions and did everything possible to make our hunts a success. They gave great insight and advice while letting us tailor the hunts to best fit our situation. We enjoyed the experience so much that we immediately purchased a year’s subscription. While we have used it to this point with smaller groups, we look forward to another big month of Eventzee this summer with our church family!”
– Shannon Newsome, Senior Minister, Reidsville Christian Church
Clue Examples:
- Baby, it’s Hot Outside! – Take a pic of an outdoor thermometer (not a car) registering the actual temperature.
- Magazine Gospel – Spell out the phrase “John 3:16” using only cut-out letters from a magazine or newspaper, and the letters can only be red.
- Red and White Gingham – Whether alone or with friends, enjoy a picnic outdoors, with REAL food. (no computer pictures / live pictures only)
- Dirt Dexterity – Build a sand castle or a mud pie, depending on your weather and/or location. (no computer pictures / live pictures only)
- He’s Got the Whole World… – Show a pic of you holding a globe (25 pts). Earn bonus points for every additional globe and/or map in your (ONE PERSON) hands or arms (up to 5 extra, 5 pts each, max 25 add pts). To get all 50 points you need at least 1 globe and another 5 globes/maps. Make sure each map and/or globe is clearly visible.
- On the Seventh Day… – Show us your best “resting” pose.
Photo Examples:
Now that you have some ideas about how to start your Eventzee scavenger hunt, go out and make it happen! If you’re interested in hosting an Eventzee event, sponsoring an official Eventzee photo hunt or just curious about what we can do reach out to us at eventzee@munzee.com.
Mar 25, 2016 | TESTIMONIALS
In “Eventzee Exposure” we look at testimonials from happy clients who have hosted their own Scavenger Hunts. Our users’ experience is very important to us, so when things go off without a hitch we want to cheer about it. If you’d be interested in sharing your Eventzee experience please reach out to eventzee@munzee.com.
Host: North Coastal Consortium for Special Education
Event: T6 Conference
Event Breakdown:
For the past few years, the North Coastal Consortium for Special Education has sponsored a free 2-day Summer Institute called Totally Terrific Teaching Techniques & Technology Tools (T6). They reached out to Eventzee with the hopes of attracting more participants as well as to increase the level of participation through use of mobile tech. Using strategically played QR code clues, the event drove player traffic to various areas of the conference and encouraged interaction.
“It was a total success! The scavenger hunt coupled with the chance to win prizes created an enjoyable experience for our participants. They had a wonderful time and enjoyed using the leaderboard feature so that they could see where they stood at any time. The way that the Eventzee admin portal is set up, made it really easy for the facilitators. We were able to turn the game on/off at any time so that the participants would make it to their sessions on time.
Being that this was a technology conference, we got a little creative on how to share the instructions for the scavenger hunt. Check it out!
– Denise Hernandez, Assistive Technology Program Specialist
North Coastal Consortium for Special Education (NCCSE)
QR Code Clue Description Examples:
- You may need a magnifying lens to find me on the back of a T6 helper’s shirt.
- I’m in the middle of two flights.
- Take a trip to the second floor, look for a “Strategic Plan”.
- Thanks, I will take your paper or plastic please.
- I saw the sign…I opened up my eyes and saw the sign….outside a classroom
- Well… I’m in the hall, I’m about 4 feet tall, I have 3 sides, and I provide information!
To learn more about NCCSE check out http://nccse.org/.
Now that you have some ideas about how to start your Eventzee scavenger hunt, go out and make it happen! If you’re interested in hosting an Eventzee event, sponsoring an official Eventzee photo hunt or just curious about what we can do reach out to us at eventzee@munzee.com.
Mar 18, 2016 | Announcements, Eventzee Exposure, TESTIMONIALS
In “Eventzee Exposure” we look at testimonials from happy clients who have hosted their own Scavenger Hunts. Our users’ experience is very important to us, so when things go off without a hitch we want to cheer about it. If you’d be interested in sharing your Eventzee experience please reach out to eventzee@munzee.com.
Host: Troy Titans Football Club
Location: Troy, IL
Event Breakdown:
The Troy Titans football club used Eventzee for their annual fundraising scavenger hunt, turning away from traditional pencil and paper hunts. They directed teams of participants to different areas of town to participate in crazy tasks. Each team was given an inflatable “buddy” they had to include in their photos.
We used Eventzee for our annual Scavenger Hunt. As the coordinator, it saved me so much time in kicking off our event. As far as all of our volunteers, it saved us a ton of time at the end of our event. In the past we have had a roomful of people checking in with their scavenger hunt items – taking time and space. Using an app completely streamlined our process and helped me keep my sanity.
Our participants loved it! They didn’t like how they couldn’t rip apart pages of clues so everyone on the team could work simultaneously, but that was the point! Everyone enjoyed sharing pictures and videos. Many of our participants could have used better lighting on their phones but I think that is something they will have to work on.
Our Scavenger Hunt is a fun event for our club. We don’t make a lot of money from the event. We just want something easy and fun. Eventzee helped us with that. The app streamlined our event, saved us time and labor, and allowed more of our participants to have a good time.
– Cindy Mahnesmith – Director of Fundraising, Troy Titans Football Club
Clue Examples:
- 12 Little Monkeys – Photo of a team member hanging upside down on monkey bars.
- America’s Got Talent – Take a picture of a teammate doing a headstand in a bar.
- Drink UP – Take a picture of entire team, including inflatable buddy, drinking from one drink (each person, including buddy, has own straw)
- Good Samaritan – Take a picture of a teammate pumping gas for someone while that person holds your inflatable.
- Just being helpful – Take a photo of at least two team members helping fold clothes in a public laundry mat.
Photo Examples:
Now that you have some ideas about how to start your Eventzee scavenger hunt, go out and make it happen! If you’re interested in hosting an Eventzee event, sponsoring an official Eventzee photo hunt or just curious about what we can do reach out to us at eventzee@munzee.com.
Mar 2, 2016 | Announcements, TESTIMONIALS
In “Eventzee Exposure” we look at testimonials from happy clients who have hosted their own Scavenger Hunts. Our users’ experience is very important to us, so when things go off without a hitch we want to cheer about it. If you’d be interested in sharing your Eventzee experience please reach out to eventzee@munzee.com.
Organization: Integrated Automotive Services
Event: Subaru Sales Training Event
Location: Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal, Canada
Event Breakdown:
IAE works with auto manufacturers for product releases and training staffs on how to successfully market their automobiles. They used Eventzee for their Subaru Drive Experience events across nine days in three different cities with QR Code Quizzes and photo scavenger hunts. The focus of IAE’s Drive Experiences is to put retail staff behind the wheel of the vehicle so they can experience the brand story first hand. Competitive product evaluations and in-depth experiential product training convert to real-world credibility on the showroom floor.
The QR Codes for the quizzes were printed in a workbook that attendees answered as the day went on. This offered the event hosts the ability to look at the comprehension statistics of the attendees and better evaluate the teaching methods. Eventzee also created custom survey polls for IAE so they could easily gather attendees opinions on various model types, and more. These polls were sent to all attendees using the Eventzee messaging system. They would then answer and live results were broadcast on a projector screen onsite.
Photo clues were also used to encourage interaction among attendees. By interacting with specific groups and locations users found a deeper engagement and retention of the goals of the event.
Check out the video from their event!
“We believe that elevating the learning experience using gamification methods is extremely valuable for retention. Eventzee gave us a unique and simple way to incorporate gamification into our programming. During our automotive training programs, we were able to infuse scavenger-type searches, quizzes and additional elements (like photos and sharing) to deepen engagement and retention. You can see the video for our event here: http://integratedauto.com/
With a 97% participation rate, there was no question this approach was the way to go! The overall satisfaction results were excellent and the participants enjoyed their “fun” while learning and winning some prizes.”
– Judi Samuels, Manager, Experience Design, Integrated Automotive Experience
Photo Clue Examples:
- Creativity- Capture a photo to showcase your creativity and fun at this event.
- Durability, Quality, Reliability- Capture a photo that best defines how you see the Durability, Quality, Reliability pillar.
- Favourite- Capture a photo of your favourite Subaru performance vehicle.
- Team Photo- Take a photo of your team!
- Us vs Them- Capture a photo that shows a competitive advantage for a Subaru utility vehicle vs. the competition.
Quiz Clue Examples:
- Subaru has been perfecting the boxer engine for approx. how many years?
- Subaru has been crash testing since what year?
- What type of steel does the Subaru ring-shaped reinforcement frame?
- Lane Keep assist is available as one of EyeSight’s system features for which models?
To learn more about Integrated Automotive visit http://integratedauto.com/en/.
Now that you have some ideas about how to start your Eventzee scavenger hunt, go out and make it happen! If you’re interested in hosting an Eventzee event, sponsoring an official Eventzee photo hunt or just curious about what we can do reach out to us at eventzee@munzee.com.
Feb 18, 2016 | Eventzee Exposure, TESTIMONIALS
In “Eventzee Exposure” we look at testimonials from happy clients who have hosted their own Scavenger Hunts. Our users’ experience is very important to us, so when things go off without a hitch we want to cheer about it. If you’d be interested in sharing your Eventzee experience please reach out to iloveyou@munzee.com!!
Host: Rance Greene created a scavenger hunt for his parents’ 45th wedding anniversary.
Event Breakdown:
As Rance’s parents approached their 45th Anniversary, he wanted to do something special for them: a scavenger hunt. Since they live on the East Coast and he lives in Texas, he planned on flying there incognito and planting physical clues. But then he attended a conference where Eventzee was hosting a scavenger hunt for all participants. “This,” he thought, “is the perfect solution!”
This is what he did to make the experience a smashing success.
From Rance:
Map out the route: In their early married years, my parents moved around quite a bit, so I mapped a route between these towns and collected information about each place, including memorable milestones in their lives (like their first home, the college where they met, the church where they were married, the hospital where my brother and I were born and many many more) and trivia specific to those locales and that time period (early 70’s). I titled the scavenger hunt, “The Early Years”.
Create the clues: I set up a combination of photo clues and QR Code clues that opened multiple choice trivia questions. I did this for a Practice Round (local photo clues and trivia questions about events in the early 70’s) and for the real deal scavenger hunt, in which they visited 3 towns to capture photo clues and answer trivia questions specific to each of those towns.
Put together a gift box: This was the tricky part. The gift box contained all of the instructions, the QR Code to join the Scavenger Hunt and lots of incentive prizes. As they accumulated points throughout the hunt, they were allowed to open gifts with their corresponding point value indicated on the outside of the gift or envelope.
The gifts or envelopes contained additional QR codes, Texas toffee, a homemade “hang-from-your-car-mirror” thing from the kids, a gift card to Arby’s for their favorite shake–jamocha!–and a host of other gifts. Most importantly, charms. At the very beginning of the scavenger hunt, they each opened a gift from me: a T-shirt for my Dad that read: “I love my awesome wife” and a charm bracelet for my mom (my wife’s idea). At each town they visited, another charm was given to my mom as a remembrance of the past and the current memories being made during the scavenger hunt. In every photo clue where my Dad was wearing the T-shirt, they earned extra points.
The gift box was tricky only because it took meticulous planning in ordering everything so that they received the next set of instructions at the appropriate time during the hunt. And to make the point value of the gifts attainable, but not too easy. I mailed the package off and hoped for the best!
What did they think of all of this? They loved it! And, being social creatures, made the hunt even more meaningful by going out of their way to connect with former acquaintances. They even met old classmates at the college basketball game they attended during the hunt. I took all of their photos from the hunt (and others they sent to me via text) and compiled them in a photo book, which I sent to my Mom for her January birthday. Now she has a charm bracelet and the photo album to remember this adventure by.
Recommendations if you decide to do this: Don’t do it completely alone. My Dad was in on the planning somewhat, in that he knew to be prepared for a road trip and, in general, where they would be on which day. Be ready to put some time into an endeavor like this. It takes lots of thought, but the outcome is terrific!

Now that you have some ideas about how to start your Eventzee scavenger hunt, go out and make it happen! If you’re interested in hosting an Eventzee event, sponsoring an official Eventzee photo hunt or just curious about what we can do reach out to us at eventzee@munzee.com.
Feb 1, 2016 | Hunt Types, TESTIMONIALS
Scavenger hunts have always been a fun way to interact with others and support camaraderie, but we’ve moved past the limitations of pen and paper. Eventzee takes scavenger hunts to a whole new level by supporting worldwide events and new ways to interact with players. While Eventzee makes it easy to host your own scavenger hunt, it’s up to YOU to make it memorable. So if you’re considering putting on your own, here’s a few tips to get you started.
Every student learns differently, but all can make use of the fun and unique learning experience of our Eventzee education program. Digital Scavenger Hunts combine effective use of technology with higher level questioning while engaging students in fun, creative ways.
Bring the classroom into the real world with Eventzee!
- Formative Assessment with instant feedback for teachers.
- Engages students in making real world connections to curriculum.
- Creates active learners.
Totally customizable, Eventzee combines creativity with active learning through scavenger hunts. Check out what people are saying about Eventzee!
Denton ISD | Event: Denton TIA “Technology In Action” Conference
Eventzee offered us another dimension of engagement with attendees at our technology conference. We were able to drive traffic to specific areas of focus at our conference, enhancing the experience for everyone involved.
We were also able to, through the use of photo scavenger hunts, gamify self-reflection about new learning by encouraging attendees to share their learning through pictures. That was a huge game-changer for some of our attendees.
– Ross Garison, Coordinator of Instructional Technology @ Denton ISD
Prosper ISD | Event: Multiple Events
Eventzee has been used in our 7th/8th grade ELAR classes as a semester review and to learn about an author’s life. It has also been used by our middle school Photojournalism classes as they learn about the different photo composition techniques.
Our Fashion Design and Marketing teacher used it on a field trip to North Park Mall to assess student’s learning in a real world environment. A 4th grade math teacher took his kids on a Division Hunt. 8th grade history used it to assess the understanding of the 7 principles of our Constitution. 7th grade ELAR took her kids on a mythology hunt.
Kids are engaged in higher level thinking skills as they connect their learning to real world examples. Teachers can provide instant feedback. It is a great formative assessment tool. Teachers can differentiate amount student or group submissions based on level of understanding.
– Michelle Phillips, M. Ed. Instructional Technology Specialist @ Reynolds Middle School, Prosper ISD
Region 10 | Event: 21st Annual Region 10 Technology Conference
The Eventzee Crew helped run the event since we had over 500 participants at the conference. They were an awesome crew with their fun, bright suits and amazing personalities! Our goal for this event was for our participants (Educators in the Region 10 ESC area in Texas) to have some fun mixed in with their full day of learning and for them to see how this type of technology integration could be used in the classroom.
From the feedback we received, many districts determined that Eventzee was something they could take back to their students and use in the classroom. Eventzee is a wonderful tool to use in both the classroom as well as a professional learning environment. Two thumbs up!!
– Lori Aden, Ed. D. Region 10 Distance Learning Consultant
Now that you have some ideas about how to start your Eventzee scavenger hunt, go out and make it happen! If you’re interested in hosting an Eventzee event, sponsoring an official Eventzee photo hunt or just curious about what we can do reach out to us at eventzee@munzee.com.