Another Weekend Warriors free photo scavenger hunt has started! 15 clues will be live until the hunt ends on Sunday at 3 PM CST. Your photo will be either approved or rejected by our admin staff. Be sure to check the cumulative leaderboard so you can see how well you’re doing and remember that tiebreakers are based on the amount of time it takes your to finish all the clues!

The more photos you submit, the more badges you’ll earn for a variety of achievements. To see the Eventzee Badge List CLICK HERE. To see if your photos have been added to the gallery visit Let the hunt begin!

We have released a new update which changes the ways you can join hunts, so just use the code “WW124” after you login.

  • Alphabet Soup I ( i ) – Find something that starts with the letter I ( i )
  • Bang For Your Buck – Creatively represent “stretching a dollar”.
  • Book Overdue – Take a selfie inside a library.
  • Couch Potato – Creatively represent the saying “Couch Potato.” Photo must include a literal potato and couch.
  • FOOD FIGHT! – Creatively represent starting a food fight in the cafeteria.
  • Hands-Free Hygiene – Take a photo of an electric air dryer you would use after you wash your hands.
  • In Memoriam – Take a picture at a local memorial to someone or an event.
  • Knock, Knock – Tell us a joke?
  • Leftie – Take a picture doing something left handed.
  • Planetary Protector – NASA recently put out a job listing for a new Planetary Protector. Creatively represent what this job might look like.
  • Put Your Records On – Take a picture of a vinyl record.
  • Rest and Relaxation – Take a picture of a product that advertises relaxation.
  • Shine Bright – Snap a picture at a jewelers.
  • What Would A Woodsman Do? – Go to a lumber yard or home improvement store that sells wood and building materials.
  • Would You Rather? – Be covered in fur or with scales? Creatively represent your answer.