Leap Year Photo Scavenger Hunt- Sponsored by Runnur
As we quickly approach the quadrennial day of February 29th, also known as Leap Day, it only seems fitting that our weekend photo hunt should celebrate the rare occasion. The Weekend Warriors 48 photo scavenger hunt will be extended to March 1st at 3 PM CST. As is the case with most of our extended hunts, there will also be a few more clues, so prepare to get creative!
We’re also excited to announce that our special Leap Weekend hunt will be sponsored by Runnur, a mobile tech gear shop that specializes in hands-free mobile organizers. The person who completes all of the photo scavenger hunts clues in the shortest amount of time will win a Runnur Hands Free Carryall Band!
This awesome product if perfect for both Munzee and Eventzee players to carry extra battery packs, munzees, socials, etc. This durable cross strap band comes with tons of storage space and is lightweight so it won’t bog you down while you’re on the hunt. Imagine Chewbacca’s bandolier, with less fur. The person who has the most images submitted to the gallery will also win a Runnur iPad Shoulder Sling Case. This durable and lightweight case also includes pockets, a fold out stand and adjustable strap. Instead of having to carry your tablet around your can let it hang by your side with ease.
Love the idea of this product, but not certain you’ll win one? Well we’re also using this hunt to guage interest in selling Munzee branded Runnur products in our online store. So if you’d love to get your hands on one, let us know! CeeZeeO Rob Vardeman will also have a few on hand for sale at the opening of the newest Munzee Marketplace in Cocoa Beach, FL. So if you’ll be at that event you can see it for yourself firsthand!
If you participate in this photo scavenger hunt and have one photo approved you’ll also receive a unique badge for playing our Leap Day hunt. Remember, clues go live Thursday at 3 PM CST, so get ready!
To learn more about Runnur check out their website or follow them on Twitter or Facebook.