Jun 8, 2016 | Announcements, Weekly Hunt
We need YOU!
To approve Eventzee photos.
We are formally requesting applications for guest Eventzee admins for our worldwide scavenger hunts. The Eventzee staff will be out of town the first weekend of July at Munzee’s Birthday Bash in Denver, CO. We’ll be super busy hosting a number of photo scavenger hunts that weekend so we are looking for help to run the Weekend Warriors free photo scavenger hunt.
For those interested we ask that you email eventzee@munzee.com answering the questionnaire listed below. Please include “Eventzee Guest Admin” in the subject line. Depending on the number of applicants we will decide how to move forward with this program and future uses for guest admins.
Due to the importance of the role, we are requiring that all applicants have run their own Eventzee hunt at least once prior to applying.
Thank you to all of our players for the support! We look forward to growing the game!
Where do you live?
Have you run an Eventzee photo scavenger hunt before? If so, what was the name of the hunt?
What were some of the biggest struggles you faced when hosting your photo hunt?
Looking back, what would you do differently when running your photo hunt?
When approving photos what do you look for?
When adding photos to the gallery what do you look for?
What are 3 telling signs that a submitted photo is a screenshot?
What makes you stand out among other applicants as an Eventzee Guest Admin?
Are you free between Thursday June 30th through Sunday July 3rd?
Feb 3, 2016 | Announcements, Hunt Tips, Weekly Hunt
We may be busy showing off Eventzee EDU at #TCEA16, but that doesn’t mean we can’t show some love to our Weekend Warriors! We’re proud to announce that we have extended our Pioneers of Gold line for earning overall Eventzee points.
The best way to achieve these badges is to join the free Weekend Photo Scavenger Hunts hosted by Eventzee each weekend. These worldwide hunts run from Thursdays to Sundays with clues going live at 3 PM MHQ time. Your photo will be either approved or rejected and you will earn points based on your submissions.
To join these hunts just find the Weekend Warriors event on the Eventzee in-app calendar and RSVP. If you’re interested in hosting your own Eventzee hunt please contacteventzee@munzee.com and we’ll get you set up with the right package!
May 21, 2015 | Announcements, Weekly Hunt
In celebration of America’s Memorial Day holiday weekend we’ve extended this hunt through the long weekend. So you’ll have through Monday at 3 PM CST to submit photos. We’ve also added a few more clues just for this weekend. Enjoy and be sure to visit www.eventzeeapp.com/leaderboard to see your worldwide rank.
This is also a good opportunity to start submitting more photos and earning more points because these cumulative scores will be important as Badges become integrated into the app. We’ll make more of an announcement when the new app update goes live, but expect some fun new achievements for your dedication to Eventzee! Let the hunt begin!
- Live in Concert! – Take a pic of a ticket stub, poster or shirt from a live concert.
- Armed Forces – Share a pic of someone you know who serves in any branch of the worldwide military.
- Burgers or Hot Dogs? – What’s your preferred cookout food?
- The Great Outdoors – Take advantage of the long weekend and hike, camp, or anything outside.
- Red Nose Weekend – Wear a Red Nose to raise awareness about childhood poverty. #RedNoseDay
- Baby Joey – In a hoodie with a front pocket
- Boots Are Made For Walking – Combat, cowboy, car? You choose the boot.
- World in Motion – Get a picture that captures motion (fan spinning, arms twirling)
- Floaties – Find something that floats.
- Lake Living – Take a pic of a boat.
- (Waste) Basket Ball – Go for the 3 pointer and throw crumbled paper into a trash can.
- High 15 – Take a pic giving two people a High Five at the same time.
- Photo Finish – Recreate a foot race and burst through the finish line tape.
- Just Desserts – What’s your favorite sweet treat?
- Tree Hugger – Don’t disrupt any protests or construction- just show an little love to nature.
- Tea Time – Do you prefer your tea hot or cold? Sweet or bold? Share a cup and a pic.
- Alphabet Soup-B – Find something that starts with the letter B.
- #ThrowBackThursday – Share a past pic of a truly mortifying haircut. Don’t worry- it has happened to us all.
- Spectacular Spectacles – Show off some fun eyeglasses.
- Hawaiian Haute Couture – Show us your best floral print shirt.