UPDATE: Weekend Warriors: Week 18 Public Photo Hunt Clues

UPDATE: Weekend Warriors: Week 18 Public Photo Hunt Clues


Scan this code in the Eventzee app to join the hunt!

After last weekend’s birthday fun it’s time to get back to business with another Weekend Warrior free photo scavenger hunt! 15 clues go live Thursday at 3 PM CST and the hunt will run until Sunday.

Your photo will be either approved or rejected by our admin staff. Be sure to check the cumulative leaderboard so you can see how well you’re doing and remember that tiebreakers are based on the amount of time it takes your to finish all the clues! This is also a good opportunity to start submitting more photos and earning more points because these cumulative scores will now get you even more Badges in the Eventzee app! Let the hunt begin!

NOTE: Unless the clue asks for something that would need a pic of another phone, webpage, etc. NO SCREENSHOTS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

  • Mile Marketing – Take a picture of a billboard.
  • Barista Buddies – Take a photo at a coffee shop with an employee.
  • Maintenance – Take a selfie at a car repair shop.
  • NIGHTTIMING – Take a picture of the stars at night outside.
  • Doorbuster – Wait outside of a business until it opens. Snap a pic to prove it.
  • #ThrowBackThursday – Share a past pic of you at a previous job.
  • Recreation Station – Recreate a famous movie poster. Must include the original poster in your submission.
  • Alphabet Soup- i – Find something that starts with the letter i..
  • Country Livin’ – Take a picture at a farm or ranch.
  • Team Spirit – Take a pic in a sports jersey of any sort.
  • Breakfast in Bed – Start the morning off right with a hearty breakfast in bed.
  • Potatohead – Grab a real potato and decorate it like the classic toy.
  • Photo ID – Take a pic of your license, passport or any ID with your photo. Be sure to cover up any private info.
  • Delightful Delicacy – Take a photo of food that is unique to where you live. Be sure to include where you live somewhere in the photo.
  • The Music (Wo)Man – Take a pic playing two instruments at the same time.