Since American offices will be closed next Monday for Labor Day we’ve extended this weekend’s hunt to Monday at 3 PM CST! With more time to play we’ve also increased the amount of clues to 20.
Your photo will be either approved or rejected by our admin staff. Be sure to check the cumulative leaderboard so you can see how well you’re doing and remember that tiebreakers are based on the amount of time it takes your to finish all the clues!
Remember, we also released some new badges based on gallery submissions so be sure to get creative with your photos. To see if your photos have been added to the gallery visit Let the hunt begin!
- Cardboard Creations – Create something out of cardboard. It can be anything, but it must be creative and altered in some way.
- Statuesque – Find a statue and mimic their pose. Must include an actual statue in the photo.
- Dance, Dance Revolution – FREEZE FRAME! Show us your favorite dance move.
- “X” Marks The Spot – Pretend to hunt for treasure and place an “X” on a spot outside. Your “X” must be located outside.
- Fountain Of Youth – Take a photo at a large fountain in public.
- Hotel, Motel – Housekeeping! Take a photo outside of a hotel or motel.
- Staircase to Heaven- Find a unique staircase in public that is taller than you are.
- Riddle Me This… – Creatively represent a well known riddle. The riddle must be written out somewhere in the photo.
- Leaning Tower of Pizza – Pile on the pepperonis and make a tower of pizza. 4-6 slices should do it.
- GrillMaster – Show us your culinary skills and take a photo cooking something on the grill.
- Labor. Day. – Take a photo doing some manual labor- construction, yard work, etc.
- Alphabet Soup- P – Find something that starts with the letter P.
- Out Of This World – We’re not alone… creatively represent alien life.
- Bob B. Lehead. – Take a photo of your favorite bobblehead.
- Sock It To Me – Show us your most fun pair of socks. Basic white socks will not be approved.
- DumbPhone – Use your SmartPhone to play, but take a photo of a phone that isn’t cellular.
- CAUTION: MEN AT WORK – Take a photo of a construction site.
- #ThrowBackThursday – Share a past pic of a family dinner.
- Thalia and Melpomene – Creatively represent the two masks of Theatre- Comedy and Drama.
- Zodiac – Creatively express the astrological sign for late August and September.