This October we want our players to channel their inner Ghost Hunters and track down some haunted houses! This month long hunt will work a little differently than our usual scavenger hunts though. We want to see the “haunted” locations around you! So instead of us creating clues for you to find the “Clues” for this hunt will be your submissions of haunted locations.
1. A photo of the “haunted” location- Know of a spooky house or the site of an Indian burial ground? Take a photo to prove it. The spookier the better, but make sure your submission is good quality.
2. A typed up history (100 words or less) of the location and why it’s haunted- Finding a scary abandoned house is easy enough, but we want to know what makes your location haunted. You’ll have to do a little research, but type up a small paragraph explaining the history of the location and what makes it haunted. Take a photo of your typed out report, but also send a digital copy to with “Haunted House Hunt” in the subject line. Be sure to include the location’s address.
For Example:
Throughout the month our admins will read over your reports and approve them based on their quality and clarity. There will be multiple groupings of “Clues” listed in the app so you can submit more than one haunted house. So the more haunted locations you submit, the more points you get, which will help you rise the leaderboard. Each person who has one location approved will also get a unique badge for playing, but you have to actively participate to get it.
This isn’t a race, winners will be decided on how many haunted locations you submit. Remember, this is all for fun, but we want to see unique, spooky locations all around the world. There are a number of websites that can be used to find haunted locations around you too, so start looking.
So fire up your Mystery Machine and hit the road- those haunted houses aren’t going to find themselves. Or will they…?