We’re proud to announce that you will now be able to view submissions from the weekly free Eventzee photo hunts in our new public galleries! Each week our admins will add photo submissions to daily galleries, which you can view at any time, then each Monday we will post a combined gallery of the week’s submissions. As always, these are subjective to whoever happens to be the official Eventzee admin at the time, so not all approved photos will make it into the galleries. The focus of these galleries is to highlight the best of what Eventzee has to offer, so even if you are awarded bonus points for creativity it doesn’t mean the photo will make it into the gallery.

We’re excited to be able to offer our players the chance to access their photos and we hope you will use this tool to help grow the game by sharing your Eventzee experiences on social media. Thanks for playing and here’s to even crazier Eventzee experiences in the future!

Visit www.eventzeeapp.com/gallery to look back on past and present photo galleries.

Click here to see last week’s “All You Need Is Love” photo gallery.

Click here to see this week’s “Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler” photo gallery.

