Jan 31, 2018 | Announcements, Hunt Types
As we announced in Eventzee’s Year In Review post, 2018 is a year of Transitions. With that in mind we’re excited to promote our sister app ZeeTours’ new Contest feature- which you can join NOW in the ZeeTours app.
As a quick refresher, ZeeTours is a self-guided City Tour app that combines fitness, learning and fun into an unforgettable experience. Follow the tour path to a variety of points of interest, solve clues to complete challenges, and learn more about the city around you.

Currently ZeeTours has a handful of tours in American cities, but we wanted to give international players a chance to join in the fun- that’s where the Contests come in.
Similar to Eventzee’s former Premium Hunt platform, these pay-to-play Contests allow players from around the world to compete for prizes by completing themed Trivia and Photo Challenges. A new Contest is held each week starting on Wednesdays and running through Mondays. Each Contest includes a wide variety of Trivia and Photo challenges based on a weekly theme.
To join a Contest players need to:
- Download the ZeeTours app
- Go to the Contests tab
- Tap on that week’s event
- Complete the in-app purchase of 5 ZeeTokens to enter
As players complete Challenges they will earn points and a spot on the leaderboard. The top three winners from each Contest will then be awarded prizes.The prizes will vary from week to week, but could be Freeze Tag Inc gift cards, Amazon gift cards, etc.
Although ZeeTours has some similar features, there are a few notable differences that will make this a bit different of an experience from what Eventzee players are used to. We think you’ll all have a great time, but here’s a quick rundown of some of the differences.
Sequential Challenges
Unlike Eventzee’s list of clues being released all at once, in ZeeTours you’ll have to complete each Challenge one by one to advance to the next task.
Trivia Challenges
ZeeTours Contests put a big focus on Trivia Challenges. Similar to Eventzee you’ll lose points if you answer incorrectly, but there is also a speed bonus for answering correctly quickly.
Themed Challenge Sets
In its current iteration ZeeTours Contests are broken into mini themed sets of Challenges.
Each set will include:
- An informational slide announcing the theme and introducing the Trivia Challenge
- A timed Trivia Challenge question
- Three Photos Challenges
Photo Review
Unlike Eventzee there is no ongoing review process with ZeeTours Contests. At the end of the Contest the top three players will have their photos reviewed to make sure there are no clear cheaters. Because of this players will have the length of the Contest to complete challenges and upload photos, but will not be able to resubmit their photos if they are declined. In the event a cheater is identified, their Challenge will receive zero points and a new player will take their spot on the leaderboard.

In other ZeeTours news, we have also released tours in an additional five American cities with another four tours going live on Friday, February 2nd. All tours are available for purchase at www.zeetoursapp.com, in the mobile app via in-app purchase and through the Groupon app and website.
Thank you all for your continued support of both Eventzee and ZeeTours! Be sure to join this weekend’s ZeeTours Contest as well as our usual Weekend Warriors free photo scavenger hunt, which goes live Thursday at 3 PM CST.
Jan 24, 2018 | Eventzee Exposure
In “Eventzee Exposure” we look at testimonials from happy clients who have hosted their own Scavenger Hunts. Our users’ experience is very important to us, so when things go off without a hitch we want to cheer about it. If you’d be interested in sharing your Eventzee experience please reach out to eventzee@munzee.com.
Event Host/Company: Penn State University (Harrisburg Campus)
Event Name: Wellness Scavenger Race
Event Breakdown:
Eventzee was used for a wellness event that emphasized fun and Penn State University history. The event was held on campus during common period, a 2-hour time frame when no classes are scheduled on Tues/Thurs. The clues and tasks were placed all throughout campus for students to complete within the set time frame.
Overall Experience:
“The feedback was very positive. All expressed interest in attending next year, as we want to make this an annual event. I believe mostly the app added fun to the process. Most students took it very seriously and were quite competitive. Hopefully it also helped increase awareness of our services and tips on maintaining/improving wellness.”
Clue Examples:
Photo Clues:
“Snap” the Rooster- Rooster Cogburn was a cowboy that used to drink too much and would “drunk ride” his horse home. Now he uses Uber, and is waiting for his ride in a very accessible area of Olmsted. Find Rooster and take your most creative “horse-riding” picture with him while he waits!
Hail To The Lion!- We Are!…all about the Lion. Head to the Lion Shrine and take your most creative and silly selfie or team pic to be shared at the end of the race.
Quiz Clues:
Beast Mode- Go to the Fitness room and compute the following math problem: Number of treadmills + number of stationary bikes – number of fire extinguishers + number of row machines = ?
Game Day- From billiards to Foosball, students can unwind AND lay some smack on their friends at the games available in the SEC. According to the U.S. Air Hockey Association, how many points does it take to win an air hockey match?
Photo Examples:

Jan 1, 2018 | Announcements
In 2017 Eventzee stayed the course, and maintained our current client base while adding efficiency behind the scenes.* Although there may not have been many feature heavy updates, our focus for the year was optimizing how we do business to make our experience more efficient for both the customer and our staff. We’re thankful to all of our clients and particularly our partners who have continued to do business with us multiple times over the years.
With a new year comes new challenges and opportunities. In 2018 our focus and theme of the year will be “Transitions.” We plan on maintaining our core gameplay values, but also expanding our focuses into new markets and revenue sources. The first step in this process was the development and release of our new app ZeeTours- a Zany Walking Tour Adventure. ZeeTours take you on an adventure in the real world, using similar gameplay mechanics as Eventzee.

ZeeTours is a location-based smartphone game that combines fitness, learning and fun into an unforgettable experience. Follow the tour path to a variety of points of interest, solve clues to complete challenges, and learn more about the city around you. To purchase a tour voucher code just visit ZeeToursApp.com or download the app to your Apple or Android device. ZeeTours are currently available in nine cities with plans to expand to more at the beginning of 2018.

While Eventzee has always been focused on event based scavenger hunts, ZeeTours gives us the opportunity to reach new communities via an updated platform. The development of ZeeTours has also given us the opportunity to develop the Eventzee program in the near future. What exactly this development will look like is still to be determined, but we have lots of plans we hope to bring to fruition in 2018.
So as we begin transitioning to this new platform we want to thank all of our players and clients for their patience and support for nearly 3 years. We’ve got new and exciting things on the horizon and we’re ready for the transition!
*Check out the infographic below to see some fun stats about Eventzee’s 2017!

Jun 8, 2016 | Announcements, Weekly Hunt
We need YOU!
To approve Eventzee photos.
We are formally requesting applications for guest Eventzee admins for our worldwide scavenger hunts. The Eventzee staff will be out of town the first weekend of July at Munzee’s Birthday Bash in Denver, CO. We’ll be super busy hosting a number of photo scavenger hunts that weekend so we are looking for help to run the Weekend Warriors free photo scavenger hunt.
For those interested we ask that you email eventzee@munzee.com answering the questionnaire listed below. Please include “Eventzee Guest Admin” in the subject line. Depending on the number of applicants we will decide how to move forward with this program and future uses for guest admins.
Due to the importance of the role, we are requiring that all applicants have run their own Eventzee hunt at least once prior to applying.
Thank you to all of our players for the support! We look forward to growing the game!
Where do you live?
Have you run an Eventzee photo scavenger hunt before? If so, what was the name of the hunt?
What were some of the biggest struggles you faced when hosting your photo hunt?
Looking back, what would you do differently when running your photo hunt?
When approving photos what do you look for?
When adding photos to the gallery what do you look for?
What are 3 telling signs that a submitted photo is a screenshot?
What makes you stand out among other applicants as an Eventzee Guest Admin?
Are you free between Thursday June 30th through Sunday July 3rd?
Feb 9, 2015 | Weekly Hunt
With the 2nd Free Weekly Photo Hunt underway we wanted to look back on last week’s clues and some of the many submissions we received. The following are all accepted images from last week’s hunt to give you an idea of what we’re looking for. Some are more creative than others and gained bonus points, but all were accepted. Eventzee is a subjective game, so when you’re out there snapping pics remember to submit what best embodies the clues. We had a ton of fun looking at all of your images and we can’t wait to see what you guys come up with this week! Remember to share your #Eventzee experiences to social media so the whole world can see how much fun this is.